A young carer is someone who helps look after a family member who needs extra help. It is estimated there are a staggering 800,000 young carers aged between 5 and 17 years old in the UK.
Being a young carer can often result in missing school or having to cancel plans with friends. For many, it can put their childhood on hold.
It's common for young carers, and the people around them, to not even realise they are carers. Research by the Children's Society discovered that 39% of young carers said nobody in their school was even aware of their caring role at home.
"Charlie has had to step up as the older brother a bit more than another older brother might do"
This is the remarkable story about a young carer, Charlie, who helps look after his younger brother with achondroplasia. Charlie and his parents talk about the ups and downs of caring and how The Carers’ Centre provide invaluable support.