You got this!
Looking after a parent, sibling, friend or someone else can be a lot to take on and it can come with a mix of feelings and emotions.
Sometimes you will feel happy and joyful. Other times you can feel sad seeing that person in pain or you might worry about the future. One day you can feel full of energy and ready for anything, and other days you might want to hide under our blanket because you feel overwhelmed.
Next time you are feeling a mix of emotions and want them to settle, try this calming activity.

What you need
- A plastic bottle or jar
- Water
- Glitter
- Clear PVA glue
What to do
And finally...
Shake it up - make sure the lid is on tight!
Much like your big feelings, the glitter swirls around and eventually settles down. Take some time to breathe whilst you’re watching this happen, it will help you feel calmer and more in control.
More activities for you...
If you're feeling overwhelmed, you can calm your mind by trying these activities at home.