- Services for adults
- Services for young people
- Health and wellbeing
Practical advice
- Understanding Energy Tariffs
- Know your rights as a carer
- Managing your money well
- Being productive from home
- Carer Money Matters
- The benefits of having a support plan
- Making a difference for parent carers in Bath and North East Somerset
- Making a will
- Improve your financial wellbeing
- Energy advice
- My Caring Role FAQs
- Caring explained
- When caring changes or ends
- My Caring Role
- Workplace rights
- Carer support BANES
- Care home advice
- Young carers
Improve your financial wellbeing
Jeff Mitchell from local organisation Clean Slate, talks about their services and how they could help you improve your financial wellbeing.
What could help our community improve their financial wellbeing?
There is currently a lot of media attention about the cost of living crisis and how people can reduce their household bills. This is not enough for people who are struggling the most, including those who simply aren’t able to reduce their heating and water usage. We’re encouraging people to think more widely than reducing household bills by considering three things:
1. Check your benefit entitlement
A whopping 16 billion pounds of benefits go unclaimed in the UK every year! Our online benefits calculator (quidsinmagazine.com) can be used to help people uncover financial support they may not already receive. It’s anonymous and asks simple questions about your financial circumstances and reveals what might be on offer in terms of benefits or grants.
2. Get online, if you can
We know that people can be hundreds of pounds better off by being online. Shopping around for offers, comparing prices at supermarkets, finding cheaper insurance or broadband providers – all those things can be done so much more easily by being online.
3. Take a money health check
It’s important to look at your finances as a whole. We’ve got a future proof finance quiz on the Quids In website which generates an action plan of steps people could take to spend less, bring home more, borrow less and save more. It’s a great tool that asks non-intrusive questions to help people get as financially healthy as possible.
How can people access your services?
We offer support to anyone on a low income. Our support is flexible and people can come along for a chat at one of our drop-in services or can be supported remotely, over the phone and online.
Our Elements programme is for those people looking to take steps towards employment. People who feel ready move onto this programme after receiving support or training with Clean Slate.
For more details about Clean Slate, visit cleanslateltd.co.uk, call 01225 302200 or email bath@cleanslateltd.co.uk. People can also access the Quids In tools and quizzes for free at quidsinmagazine.com
- Services for adults
- Services for young people
- Health and wellbeing
Practical advice
- Understanding Energy Tariffs
- Know your rights as a carer
- Managing your money well
- Being productive from home
- Carer Money Matters
- The benefits of having a support plan
- Making a difference for parent carers in Bath and North East Somerset
- Making a will
- Improve your financial wellbeing
- Energy advice
- My Caring Role FAQs
- Caring explained
- When caring changes or ends
- My Caring Role
- Workplace rights
- Carer support BANES
- Care home advice
- Young carers