- Services for adults
- Services for young people
Health and wellbeing
- Benefits of fresh air and movement
- Nature's healing touch
- Improving your wellbeing with Bath Mind
- Five ways to take care of yourself at Christmas
- Managing changes in your relationships
- Music for wellbeing
- Caring and menopause
- Wellbeing tips
- Quick recipes
- Podcasts
- Winter wellbeing
- Journaling
- Top books
- Breathing exercise
- Practical advice
- Young carers
Benefits of fresh air and movement
Spring is the perfect time to get active and embrace the outdoors. As the weather warms up and nature comes to life, the outdoors becomes more inviting and rewarding.
Physical activity, whether it's walking through a local park, taking a short run, or doing some simple stretches improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and increases energy levels.
Being outside adds even more benefits—fresh air, sunshine, and exposure to nature can reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and provide a natural dose of vitamin D. By taking advantage of the season, you can establish healthy habits that energize both your body and mind.
Tap into your senses
Popping outside to explore the garden or a local green space has so much potential. Take a moment to look around at the budding flowers, breathe in the fresh air and listen to the birds as they build their nests.
This is a great opportunity to embrace some simple stretches to awaken your body and feel energised. No need to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, listen to your body and pause if you need a break.
Build up the duration of your exercise steadily
Setting realistic expectations is the best way to form healthy habits. Don’t challenge yourself to a 5 kilometre run if you haven’t built up to it! Explore nearby milestones, such as the end of your street, the nearest coffee shop or your friend's house. By gradually lengthening your physical activity you will reach your goals naturally and it won’t feel too arduous.
If you are interested in trying a structured exercise plan, the couch to 5K is a great place to start.
Explore your local facilities
Many leisure centres have drop-in activities available, such as public swimming sessions, tennis court hire and walking football, to name a few. Arrange to pop along with a friend, perhaps try something new!
Make sure you take advantage of the wellbeing opportunities we have on offer that involve some physical movement, such as Boccia, Bath Wellbeing Walks or even Belly Dancing!
Did you know that laughter stimulates your heart rate to increase, your muscles to engage, and while laughing you take in more oxygen, which can improve circulation and even burn a few calories.
So whilst it won’t replace a full workout, it has a wealth of benefits to benefit your overall wellbeing!

"Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood."
Take the time to invest in yourself this spring, try something new and expand your horizons.
- Services for adults
- Services for young people
Health and wellbeing
- Benefits of fresh air and movement
- Nature's healing touch
- Improving your wellbeing with Bath Mind
- Five ways to take care of yourself at Christmas
- Managing changes in your relationships
- Music for wellbeing
- Caring and menopause
- Wellbeing tips
- Quick recipes
- Podcasts
- Winter wellbeing
- Journaling
- Top books
- Breathing exercise
- Practical advice
- Young carers