Taking action on isolation
Young Carers Action Day is time for us to come together and take action for young people who are looking after their siblings, parents and other family members. This year, we're Taking Action on Isolation.
It's a lot to take on at their age and can mean they miss out on the things that most kids do like seeing friends and regularly going to school.
“Loneliness for a young carer is thinking you are the only one like you and none of your friends will understand. You feel like you’re trapped in a box.”
Impact on young carers
National research from The Carers' Trust shows an alarming lack of support, coupled with a dramatic rise in time spent caring, is leaving thousands of young carers feeling ‘lonely’, ‘exhausted’, ‘worried’, ‘burned out’ and ‘stressed’.
If you are a professional that has identified a young person with caring responsibilities, and would like them to benefit from our free services simply fill in this short form.